News about our company

Norme EN 9100
Final preparation for Aeronautics and Aerospace certification scheduled for September 2021.

ISO 9001 and 13485 standards
Following our recertification audit (23 - 24 September 2020) our certificates for the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016 standards have been renewed until 2024 and adapted to the latest standards. To find out more ...

Article in the CEP Review
In its 01/2019 review, the Bernese Jura Chamber of Public Economics (CEP) examines the importance of ISO certifications in the medical, dental, aerospace, industry and research sectors.
Learn more and download the full article (PDF, 8.5 MB) in French which describes the path taken by our company.

JAAME Certification 2017-2022
We have obtained our “JAAME 2017-2022” certification. For more information:
Rickli Micromécanique SA
Route de Romont 27
2537 Vauffelin, Switzerland
Phone +41 32 358 00 80
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